Roque Center Rehab
Roque Center, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization providing State licensed and certified residential, social model recovery services to adult men and women who suffer from alcoholism, addiction and the effects of alcohol and other drug abuse.

Roque Center Rehab
9842 13th St #A
Garden Grove CA 92844-3171
Tel: 714 839-0607; 877 839-0607

Founded in 1972, by a group of caring men and women who wanted to give back to the community in gratitude for what they have gained in recovery themselves, we have served more than 34,000 men and women.

Our program is designed to assist men and women in developing a foundation for long term recovery by affecting positive change in lifestyle and behavior through education, counseling, exposure to alternative coping skills and positive role models, i.e., staff and those further along in the recovery process.
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