Aurora Las Encinas Hospital
Drug Rehab - Los Angeles - Pasadena - Detox

Located in the greater Los Angeles Area, we offer a full range of behavioral health care treatment options including inpatient, partial hospitalization and outpatient services for adolescents and adults. The hospital has remained one of the nations' foremost facilities for quality care since 1904.

Aurora Las Encinas Hospital
2900 E Del Mar Blvd
Pasadena CA 91107
Tel: 800 792-2345; 626 795-9901
Fax: 626 792-2919


The mission of Aurora Behavioral Health Care at Las Encinas is to provide the finest care in the finest setting; serving as a community resource by providing compassionate, safe, ethical and high quality mental health and addiction medicine treatment to individuals and families in need. We are committed to providing a continuum of services that allow for individualized treatment in the least restrictive and most appropriate level of care, in the most confidential environment. We respect all spiritual and cultural beliefs of the communities we serve.


Aurora Behavioral Health Care at Las Encinas will continually strive to be:
* A service to the community by providing free assessments and referrals to appropriate resources within the community;
* A high quality and safe behavioral health care provider in Southern California;
* A provider of a fully integrated and seamless continuum of services;
* Responsible for appropriate and ethical management of our finances;
* The provider of choice that meets the needs of our community in ensuring safe and quality care led by our competent staff;
* A provider that is in compliance with all legal, regulatory and accreditation requirements;
* A provider that adopts new and cutting edge behavioral health technology in treatment as it is introduced into the community; and,
* A teaching institution that provides education, training, and resources to professionals and the community at large.
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