Authentic Recovery Center
ARC Treatment
The Authentic Recovery Center (ARC) is a private drug rehab, alcohol addiction treatment and dual-diagnosis drug treatment center located in Los Angeles, California that provides alcohol rehab, drug rehabilitation and medical drug detox in a comfortable, confidential setting.
Authentic Recovery Center
2203 Overland Ave
Los Angeles CA 90064
Tel: 877 415-4673
Drug Rehab, Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center
ARC, West Los Angeles California
NOTE: Researching alcohol and drug treatment centers is usually a difficult process. The very nature of the need for research is often in itself an emotionally charged experience. Despite this difficulty, one important fact must be recognized. In 2003 NIDA sponsored research teams determined that there were 120,000 preventable deaths directly related to alcoholism and substance abuse. This fact is compelling. It helps us to understand the gravity of the alcohol and drug situation. If you or someone you know is in need of treatment for a developing alcohol or drug problem call 877 415 HOPE today. The ARC dual-diagnosis drug treatment center is committed to providing help for those who need it.
