Azure Acres Intensive Outpatient
Azure Acres Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center

Drug abuse and alcoholism rehabilitation treatment center. Detoxification, outpatient substance abuse treatment and aftercare also available at our Northern California recovery center.

Azure Acres Intensive Outpatient
5777 Madison Ave #1210
Sacramento CA 95841
Tel: 916 338-0400; 877 762-3735

Welcome to Azure Acres Northern California Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center.

Since 1954, we have given thousands of addicts and alcoholics the strength and tools to live a healthy and sober life. They’ve learned to overcome their addiction, express their feelings, and develop lasting, healthy friendships. We offer adult men and women a chance at a new life.

We can help you discover a new way to live free from the bonds of drug addiction and alcoholism. Our drug rehabilitation facility provides a safe place to live, learn, heal and recover from the effects alcohol and drug abuse have on both the individual and the entire family. Located in Northern California close to San Francisco, Sacramento and Oakland, we offer a beautiful natural environment in which to recover from the toxic effects of drug addiction and alcoholism.
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