Betty Ford Center
Drug Treatment Center Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Centers Addiction Clinic Substance Rehab Detox Programs
The Betty Ford Center is the alcohol treatment center and drug rehabilitation clinic for families suffering from narcotic and chemical dependency and addiction to alcohol and other drugs.
Betty Ford Center
39000 Bob Hope Dr
Rancho Mirage CA 92270
Tel: 800 434-7365; 877 872-7538
Do You Need Help?
Call our Admissions Department for a confidential assessment: 800 434-7365
Does Someone You Know Need Help?
Speak with staff who specialize in working with people seeking admission for someone in need: 877 872-7538
The non-profit Betty Ford Center is an Alcohol Addiction and Drug Addiction Treatment hospital located in the luxurious resort community of Rancho Mirage, California. On our expansive 20-acre campus adjacent to the Eisenhower Medical Center we offer help and hope to individuals and their family members affected by alcoholism and/or addiction to other drugs. Alcoholics, addicts, and their loved ones who require alcohol treatment or drug treatment begin the exciting journey to a new life at the Betty Ford Center.
