Campobello Chemical Dependency Treatment Services - Residential Center
Our mission is to provide primary treatment, education, ongoing support and family services for clients seeking a more rewarding, chemically free lifestyle. Our primary goals are:
* To improve understanding/acceptance of the disease model of addiction.
* To improve self esteem
* To reduce family, job and legal problems.
* To improve physical/emotional health.
* To enhance coping and problem solving strategies for recovery.
All of Campobello's services are licensed and certified by the California State Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.
Campobello Chemical Dependency Treatment Services
Residential Center
3250 Guerneville Rd
Santa Rosa CA 95401-4030
Tel: 707 579-4066; 800 805-1833
Campobello, an innovative chemical dependency treatment center, is on a 25 acre ranch nestled in the Sonoma County countryside. In the winter, clients often watch the wildlife in the stream from the small bridge on the facility. In the spring and autumn, migratory birds fly overhead, summers find the clients doing homework around the pool or enjoying the meditation garden. In the distance, colorful hot air balloons can be seen. In this idyllic atmosphere, people give up their addictions and discover themselves. Sometimes for the first time. Residents of Campobello's treatment program come from all walks of life: single mothers, single young men and women, middle-aged married men and women, professionals, union members, teachers, salesmen, journalists, politicians and many musicians. Getting clean and sober is only part of the journey at Campobello. The other part is participating in groups - both large and small - which help clients explore the problems that have dominated their life and their loved one's lives.
Campobello has as a basis in its treatment philosophy a belief in the 12 step self-help programs of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Al-Anon for friends and family. We believe in and pass on the ideas, education and philosophies of these programs. In addition, we tailor treatment to the individual needs of our clients. We base treatment on in-depth professional assessments and invite the clients to participate in the formation of treatment plans.
Campobello has been providing their unique form of treatment for the past twenty years with excellent results. The outcome studies document the high percentage of clients who remain clean and sober, happy and free long after leaving treatment.
Campobello is certified and licensed by the state of California, and has been certified by many managed care companies. Many labor unions recommend Campobello to their members.
