Casa Del Sol
Casa Del Sol Clubhouse is a program of Community Research Foundation. Casa Del Sol operates on the work ordered day model where activities related to the operation of the program are utilized as opportunities for member participation, training, and recovery. The program is member directed and membership is life long. At Casa Del Sol Clubhouse, different functions necessary for the program’s operation are divided into departments. All tasks are completed voluntarily by members who learn through experience and practice. In addition to certain necessary departments, Casa Del Sol Clubhouse offers training and work experience in other work areas as requested by the membership whenever possible. All staff is dedicated to the principles of psychosocial rehabilitation and actively partnering with the members to achieve their personal goals. The clubhouses provide services in a culturally sensitive manner.
Casa Del Sol
1157 30th St
San Diego CA 92154
Tel: 619 429-1937
Fax: 619 429-5205
Program Description
The purpose of Casa Del Sol Clubhouse is to help members obtain the experience and training which will enable them to integrate into the community. Vocational, educational, and social experiences focus on four main goals:
* To help members realize that recovery is possible
* To help members achieve productive and meaningful roles
* To provide members with opportunities for training, practice, and experience
* To assist members obtain employment opportunities in the community
