Central Valley Prevention Program
Alcohol & Drug Services | Mental Health Systems
Education is the Foundation for Prevention.
Accountability is the Cornerstone for Treatment.
The mission of our Alcohol and Drug Services Division (AOD) is to provide innovative and effective substance abuse treatment recovery and prevention services that improve the quality of life for our clients, their families and the communities we live in. These services are designed to change clients’ destructive behavior with help and compassion. Our outstanding treatment services benefit clients by utilizing evidence based treatment approaches, as well as environments that assist in developing clean and sober lifestyles. In each program we work with a variety of cultures and ethnicities, providing them with effective and appropriate service delivery. Our programs assist clients in taking personal responsibility for their lives by focusing on creating a fully functioning individual. The makeup of our client base is a cross section of our communities: men, women, adolescents and their families. It is our goal that through prevention, treatment, recovery and creating an environment of opportunity, choice and hope we continue to make a positive impact upon people’s lives. Contact kmurphy@mhsinc.org in our Alcohol and Drug Services Division for expert advice and referrals.
Central Valley Prevention Program
850 E Washington St #201
Colton CA 92324
Tel: 909 423-0312
E-mail: ckiser@mhsinc.org
Services Offered
* Prevention/Community Education Program
Together we will create a community united in a vision for our youth that actively protects today and prepares for a healthier and safer future!
CVPP works to change conditions in a community that contribute to harmful alcohol and other drug use; our current focus is reducing underage drinking and problems attributed to the high risk use of alcohol.
Examples may include strategies and policies that address:
* Youth acquiring alcohol illegally or stealing it from licensed establishments.
* Youth obtaining alcohol from adults, older friends or siblings.
* Youth under 21 able to easily purchase alcohol.
* T-shirts, products, advertising and media messages targeted at youth that promotes, encourages and glamorizes use.
* Attitudes and social norms that imply alcohol is necessary to have fun and celebrate and shows an overall tolerance for underage drinking.
* Inconsistent or lack of enforcement of policies and laws
Short-Term Outcomes include:
* Leaders, decision makers and community members, including youth, participate in efforts to change high-risk social and cultural norms and advance policies shown to have long-term outcomes.
* Data collection and assessments will help determine the magnitude and locations of problems.
* Goals and objectives are clearly defined and measurable.
Long-Term Outcomes include:
* Increase in policies and laws that reduce social access and availability of alcohol to youth.
* Decrease in the number of retailers that sell alcohol to minors.
* Decrease in the number of youth who report drinking/binge drinking in the last 30 days.
* Increase in the number of youth who report alcohol as “hard to getâ€.
* Increase in the number of youth who report that alcohol use is harmful to their health and safety.
The aim of Central Valley Prevention Program is to strengthen partnerships and integrate proven prevention strategies with existing resources to ensure that prevention efforts are well designed, effective and meaningful to the residents of each community. CVPP will recruit and help build coalitions that include and accurately represent the community. These coalitions will plan and implement strategies to achieve the short and long term goals listed above as well as prepare to secure future grant funding to strengthen the capacity of their coalition to create and maintain safe, healthy, and drug-free communities.
