Douglas Young Youth & Family Services
Douglas Young Youth and Family Services (DYYFS) is a community-based outpatient mental health program providing a full range of services to seriously emotionally disturbed (SED) children, youth and their families in the Central and North Central regions of San Diego County.
Douglas Young Youth & Family Services
7907 Ostrow St #F
San Diego CA 92111
Tel: 858 300-8282
Fax: 858 300-8284
Program Description
DYYFS utilizes the family systems and wraparound approach in providing comprehensive, strength-based and culturally and linguistically competent mental health services. Our services are client and family centered and focuses on addressing the needs of the client and family while respecting and working within their cultural beliefs, supports, and norms. We adhere to the Children's System of Care (CSOC) principles and emphasize a strength-based collaboration among family, therapist, case manager, social services, school, community and medical services in the assessment, planning and delivery of all services. We provide clinic, school, and community-based services for children and adolescents up to the age of 21, if still in high school, who meet SED criteria, who have MediCal or are MediCal eligible, uninsured (with co-pay on a sliding scale basis based on family monthly gross income), have Healthy Families insurance, or referred by AB2726.
Services are provided by a team which includes: mental health clinicians, case managers, a registered nurse, and a psychiatrist.
Treatment services include:
* Individual Therapy
* Family Therapy
* Group Therapy
* School-Based Services
* Home-Based Services
* Case Management
* Rehabilitation
* Crisis Intervention
* Psychiatric Services Including Evaluation
* Medication Management Services
* Integrated Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment
Referral Process
Referrals may be initiated by any individual, concerned family member, social service provider or school teacher/counselor by calling the program directly.
This program is certified as a Medi-Cal provider by the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency and the California Department of Mental Health.
Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 9:30am to 6:00pm
Thursday: 12:00pm to 8:00pm
Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Fees and Funding
DYYFS is primarily funded through contracts with the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency and is part of the San Diego System of Care. . The program accepts clients with Medi-Cal up to age 21. We also take clients with no insurance, up to age 18, with funding through the Mental Health Services Act. Uninsured clients pay a fee on a sliding scale based on the family monthly gross income. In addition, we accept SED Healthy Families, with approval from the County of San Diego and clients with AB2726 as a part of their Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) for mental health services. No one is denied services based on inability to pay.
