East Bay Community Recovery Project - Hayward
EBCRP has provided substance abuse, mental health, and other health related services since 1989. With locations in Oakland and Hayward, California, we offer a full range of services from residential treatment for women and children to intensive outpatient counseling.
Who We Serve
EBCRP has historically helped the most underserved people in Alameda County. We reach out to those living with co-occurring substance abuse and psychiatric disorders. Learn more about our outpatient services and about our residential services for women with children, Project Pride.
East Bay Community Recovery Project
22971 Sutro St
Hayward CA 94541-6514
Tel: 510 728-8600
EBCRP offers integrated treatment for clients with substance abuse and other mental health issues. Depending upon individual treatment plans, clients may take part in individual therapy, group therapy, day treatment, medication services, case management, and skills training. Many of our clients also receive alternative therapies, such as massage and acupuncture. EBCRP therapists provide interventions and support to assist clients in their efforts to find and maintain housing, fulfill their obligations and achieve their treatment goals.
East Bay Community Recovery Project provides care to those living with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. We offer a range of outpatient services, from weekly groups in an outpatient setting, to intensive outpatient care (5 or more hours per week).
Project Pride is our residential program that provides inpatient care for women who are pregnant or postpartum.
