Friends Research Institute - Torrance Clinic
Friends Research Institute is a research, treatment, and grants administration organization committed to promoting health and well-being in society.
Friends Research Institute
Torrance Clinic
1001 W Carson St #S,T,U
Torrance CA 90502
Tel: 310 224-4670
Fax: 310 782-9140
FRI’s Torrance clinic began operating in 2000. The research at the clinic includes outpatient adult stimulant medication development trials, interventions for adolescent substance use, addiction technology transfer to ethnic minority communities, developing congruence between research findings and community practices and evaluation projects. The stimulant medication development unit conducts multi-site randomized trials testing the efficacy and safety of stimulant medications. We also conduct medication trials for other indications such as Adult ADHD. International work includes a NIDA trial to assess the efficacy of three methods to train clinicians in the Republic of South Africa to demonstrate adherence to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques.