Harm Reduction Therapy Center
H R T C is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing alternative treatment to people with drug and alcohol problems.
The treatment, Harm Reduction Psychotherapy, is based on the belief that substance abuse develops in each individual from a unique interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors.
Harm Reduction Psychotherapy is a non-judgmental approach to helping substance users reduce the negative impact of drugs and alcohol have on their lives. It respects that people use drugs for a variety of reasons. It addresses the complex relationship that people develop with drugs and alcohol. Drug and alcohol issues are addressed simultaneously with social and occupational concerns and psychological and emotional issues.
Anyone is welcome in our treatment program, regardless of the status of their drug use, regardless of their primary concerns or goals. A person's goals can range from complete abstinence to controlled or safer use based on a desire to improve health, relationships, or one's functioning in the world.
If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and are interested in treatment, please call 415.863.4282. If you live elsewhere in the United States, other organizations can be found in the Resources section of this site.
Harm Reduction Therapy Center
423 Gough St
San Francisco CA 94102-4415
Tel: 415 863-4282
Fax: 510 251-1139
