National Therapeutic Services
Sober Living Drug Rehab Orange County CA | Living Sober NTS Treatment Program
Drug and Alcohol Treament Programs at NTS are located in Orange County, a nationally recognized drug rehab center providing quality addiction treatment services in alcoholism, drug addiction, marijuana, heroin, cocaine addiction, prescription drug.
National Therapeutic Services
2384 Newport Blvd
Costa Mesa CA 92627
Tel: 866 311-0003; 949 650-4334
Fax: 949 650-5171
The Most Complete Addiction Treatment Available
Located in Beautiful Orange County, California
National Therapeutic Services Inc. (NTS) is a nationally recognized, private and exclusive, drug rehab, and alcoholism treatment center located in Southern California. NTS offers an array of gender specific treatment programs designed to address the varying needs of individuals and families suffering from chemical dependency. We also specialize in the treatment of dual diagnosis disorders where both mental health and addiction treatment is required.
Drug & Alcohol Treatment Options
Our alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs include Primary Inpatient Care, Extended Care, Transitional Living (Sober Living) and Outpatient Treatment. Also, NTS Treatment Programs proudly offers a full service educational program combining college accredited classes and treatment, NTS Academy, created specifically for individuals in recovery desiring to begin, continue or complete their educational goals.
Depending on the level of care you need, you can enter at any phase of treatment and stay for the duration of that phase. The NTS Treatment Program is designed as a 90-Day sober living residential drug treatment program , but we do offer 30 days of primary, intensive inpatient treatment in Orange County, California. What this means is that you will be completing only Phase I of our three-phase treatment system.
