New-Way Foundation
The New Way Foundation, Inc. is the only State Licensed and Certified Treatment Program in Burbank. The New Way Foundation, Inc. has been providing services to individuals in Burbank and the greater Los Angeles area since 1967. Our main concern has always been to provide true care and compassion for the alcoholic and addict who still suffers and desires a better life.
Today the NWF provides a 50 bed State Licensed and Certified Facility located at 207 North Victory Blvd. in Burbank. The Foundation is partially funded by the Los Angeles County Alcohol & Drug Programs Administration.
New-Way Foundation
844 N Hollywood Way
Burbank CA 91505-2813
Tel: 818 845-2702
The New Way Foundation is a State Licensed & Certified Residential Facility
The NWF, Inc. is for men 18-64 years of age without insurance - NO money out of pocket or sliding scale fee. The NFW, Inc. residential program includes the following:
* Individual & Group Counseling
* 12-Step Instruction
* Drug & Alcohol Education Classes
* Domestic Violence Education
* Life Skills Exercises
* Medical Evaluations
* Relapse Prevention
* HIV/AIDS & HEP C Info.
* Random Drug Testing
* Dormitory Style Living
* Sober living for Men
* Big Screen TV
Three meals a day + snacks, seven days a week
Additional Services offered at The NWF, Inc.
Outpatient Program for Women, Men, Children & Families available
