Orange County Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center
Drug Treatment | Alcohol Rehab Treatment | Orange County Treatment Center
Drug addiction, alcohol addiction rehabilitation center with a strong foundation to achieve a renewal point from having been addicted.
Orange County Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center
18700 Main St #100
Huntington Beach CA 92648
Tel: 877 450-1880; 714 596-5852
Get Help For
* Detox
* Intervention
* Residential Care
* Women
* Men
* Long Term Recovery
* Dual Diagnosis
* Suboxone Detox
We Offer
* Individualized Addiction Treatment Plans
* Individual Drug & Alcohol Counseling
* Addiction Group Counseling
* Addiction Education
* Drug & Alcohol Outpatient Services
* Sober Residential Services
* Drug & Alcohol Relapse Prevention
* Drug & Alcohol Testing
* Aftercare Planning
About Us
We at Orange County Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center believe in the disease concept of alcoholism and drug addiction. We educate our clients based on this information. We also focus on the attraction model of recovery: living life sober, attaining goals and dreams, restoring relationships, as opposed to destroying oneself and all that one has worked for, for their loved ones.
Our facility is conveniently located on Main Street across from Five Points Shopping Center in Huntington Beach, California, in the Huntington Coast Plaza medical building. Our residential locations are located close to the facility, meeting halls, shopping centers, and the beach. We provide a safe, serene, structured environment in which to rebuild lives. We believe in creating a sober community so one can learn to truly live instead of struggle in survival.
Program Mission and Philosophy Statement
Our philosophy is to give people who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction a safe, sober environment to learn about the disease of alcohol and drug addiction. We believe in offering them the opportunity to succeed, or to fail, with dignity. Every effort is extended to assist them in maintaining a positive attitude, and continued abstinence while they gain a foothold in sobriety.
Our Vision
Orange County Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center offers our personal experience of our road to recovery. Having personally experienced the humbling effects of alcoholism and drug addiction, our passion is to help practicing addicts and alcoholics recover from their disease of alcoholism and drug addiction so they may enjoy the spiritually and purposefully rewarding life we have found.
Our vision includes providing affordable treatment services for those suffering from the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction, in a safe, clean, structured home environment.
There's nothing more rewarding than having a new life!
