Paar Center
The PAAR Center is a non-profit, community oriented, facility designed to help those struggling with addiction to live meaningful, productive lives without the use of alcohol and drugs.
For our residents who desire to learn and live in sobriety, the PAAR Center provides a home-like atmosphere. All basic needs are taken care of. Good, well-balanced meals, comfortable beds, recreational/community activities, and a safe living environment allow our residents to focus on becoming clean and sober.
The PAAR Center provides a program to successful recovery for all of its residents who truly seek a life of sobriety. Simply put, our program is AA/NA oriented, supplemented with educational media, lectures, and group classes. These resources give our residents the tools to understanding and overcoming the complex disease of addiction.
Paar Center
184 W Belleview Ave
Porterville CA 93257-2257
Tel: 559 783-9504
PAAR's Goals
The PAAR Center has been in operation since 1965. During the over forty years of our existence we have provided alcohol and other drug recovery services for over 30,000 individuals who suffer from the disease of addiction.
All of The PAAR Center’s programs utilize the Social Model Modality of addiction treatment and as such observe the following principles of Social Model Practice: All programs are community based, peer group oriented, residential facilities that provide food, shelter, and recovery services in a supportive, non-drinking\using environment for ambulatory and mentally competent recovering alcoholics.
Recovery services include individual and group planning, alcohol and other drug recovery education, participation in self help groups, family awareness and understanding, social activities, recreational activities, and information about and assistance in obtaining health, social, vocational, and other community services.
The PAAR Center's Non-Residential programs are also Social Model in modality: All program activities are peer group oriented and are designed to provide non-residential recovery services in a supportive, non-drinking/using environment.
Non Residential Recovery services include individual (treatment planning) and group planning (recovery plans), alcohol and other drug recovery education, medication awareness management groups, participation in self-help groups, family awareness and understanding, social activities, urinalysis testing, and information about and assistance in obtaining health, social, vocational, and other community services.
