Rancho L'Abri
Drug Alcohol Rehab, Suboxone Medical Detox, San Diego
Rancho L'Abri is a special place in time for persons beginning their recovery from chemical dependency
Rancho L'Abri
18091 Bee Canyon Rd
San Diego CA 91917
Tel: 619 468-9333; 866 368-9333
Rancho L’Abri is the most affordable private medical detox, alcohol, and drug treatment program in San Diego, California, and is a special place in time for those beginning their recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Drawing upon the healing aspects of a nature-filled environment, set on 75-acres, combined with a state-of-the-art treatment program, the mind, body, and spirit can begin its healing journey from the disease of addiction.
Rancho L’Abri was founded over 25 years ago by Dr. John E. Milner in response to the growing need for a dual diagnosis addiction treatment program.
Rancho L’Abri is a treatment program for the chemically dependent and dually diagnosed individual. The individualized treatment program provides residents the opportunity to become free of all psychoactive, mood-altering substances, in a natural ranch setting. At the same time, group and individual therapy assists in the resolution of issues that led to the use of drugs and alcohol. The program is designed to work with each patient according to his or her specific situation and need.
"Our focus is not just sobriety, but the on-going quality of each of our patient’s lives."
The healing journey from the disease of chemical dependence begins in our serene setting. Full-time medical supervision provides safe detoxification while life skills are taught and practiced throughout the body of the program. Nutritional guidance is provided, as well as tools to more effectively manage stress, anger and anxiety.
The multidisciplinary, professional treatment team is uniquely experienced and equipped to assist each patient in the development of a highly personalized relapse prevention plan. From the beginning of the program, emphasis is placed on the development of a strong support network. Patients are connected with community outreach, working closely with other treatment options which make additional resources available, should such a need be present.
Education groups and lectures, multifamily groups, group therapy, relapse prevention groups and individual sessions are key elements of treatment. In addition, family therapy is a critical component of the Rancho L’Abri program. Family members and significant others experience emotional pain, trauma and dysfunctional behaviors of their own as they react to their loved one’s behavior. Recovery must involve the entire family.
Treatment at Rancho L’Abri is researched state of the art. Many members of our team have over thirty years of chemical dependency treatment experience. The entire treatment team is committed to the delivery of solid treatment, with abstinence from all mood-altering chemicals.
