St. Joseph's Behavioral Health Center
St. Joseph's Behavioral Health Center is a licensed, not-for-profit facility, providing comprehensive behavioral health services for psychiatric and chemical dependency disorders. We offer a 35-bed inpatient hospital, day treatment, and outpatient services. Our specially trained staff of board certified psychiatrists, physicians, and licensed professionals are committed to providing compassionate, quality care, and creating an atmosphere that fosters communication, trust, and personal growth.
St. Joseph's Behavioral Health Center
2510 N California St
Stockton CA 95204
Tel: 209 461-2000
Our Mission
St. Joseph's Behavioral Health Center, St. Joseph's Medical Center, Catholic Healthcare West and our Sponsoring Congregations are committed to furthering the healing ministry of Jesus. We dedicate our resources to:
* Delivering compassionate, high-quality, affordable health services;
* Serving and advocating for our sisters and brothers who are poor and disenfranchised;
* and Partnering with others in the community to improve the quality of life.
Our Vision
A growing and diversified health care ministry distinguished by excellent quality and committed to expanding access to those in need.
Our Values
St. Joseph's Behavioral Health Center, St. Joseph's Medical Center and Catholic Healthcare West are committed to providing high-quality, affordable health care to the communities we serve. Above all else we value:
* Dignity - Respecting the inherent value and worth of each person.
* Collaboration - Working together with people who support common values and vision to achieve shared goals.
* Justice - Advocating for social change and acting in ways that promote respect for all persons and demonstrate compassion for our sisters and brothers who are powerless.
* Stewardship - Cultivating the resources entrusted to us to promote healing and wholeness.
* Excellence - Exceeding expectations through teamwork and innovation.
