Sunrise Recovery
Southern California Drug Rehab Center - Highly Effective Treatment for Men
Sunrise Recovery is a residential drug and alcohol rehab in California that treats addiction and alcoholism with highly successful and structured drug treatment programs.
Sunrise Recovery
2811 Villa Way
Newport Beach CA 92663
Tel: 866 540-5242
Drug Rehab Treatment in California that is Structured and Effective
Sunrise Recovery is a residential drug rehab center in California that treats drug addiction and alcoholism with highly successful drug treatment programs.
Sunrise Recovery is a treatment center that treats addiction and alcoholism.
The men who come to our facility in the Riverside foothills have often lost everything to their addiction.
They are men who are fully capable of being great fathers, sons, brothers, and husbands. But the men have lost their way due to the addiction that has confused their brain into thinking that short term pleasure from the use of the drug is more necessary than the long term benefits of living a positive drug free life. Addiction is commonly accepted as a disease that is treatable by mental health professionals. Our treatment team will fully educate men about the effects of chemical dependency on the brain and give them tools to overcome the initial cravings and maintain long term sobriety.
Some men are addicted to cocaine, OxyContin, marijuana, heroin, or a variety of substances. Others choose only to drink alcohol but have lost control completely. Once our clients arrive at our facility, they are given the tools and the strength to live rewarding lives free of drugs or alcohol.
Our drug rehab program has a very high success rate because the men who receive treatment are closely supervised in our very structured treatment program.
Our skilled staff of addiction professionals is able to help men who have become dependent on any addictive substance - from marijuana to OxyContin to alcohol or even inhalants and steroids.
What basically happens when a man arrives at Sunrise Recovery is this:
* He is in a highly monitored environment and can't obtain the drugs (and is tested frequently)
* He becomes educated about the phenomenon of addiction and how it has affected his outlook on life and will realize that he will soon enjoy life more without chemicals
* As the drugs physically leave his system he participates in near constant therapeutic processes and esteem building physical activities to re-build his strength and work on inner issues
* He becomes well versed in the tools that help him prevent a relapse when he experiences triggers that cause him to crave drugs and has become part of a fellowship of recovering people in the applicable 12-Step Program
