Tender Loving Mercy
Offers chemical dependency treatment to adults who abuse or are addicted to alcohol, prescription medications or illegal drugs.
Tender Loving Mercy
1907 Apple St
Oceanside CA 92054
Tel: 760 757-7833
We Offer:
* Medical/ Nonmedical Detox
* Outpatient Sevices
* Intensive Outpatient Services
* Residential Services
* Individual Counseling
* Anger Management Classes
Counseling Services Offered
* Drug Addiction
* Alcohol Addiction
* Gambling Addiction
* Behavioral Health
* Eating Disorders
* Dual Diagnosis
* Anger Management
* Couples Counseling
Our Mission
Tender Loving Mercy is a not-for-profit drug & alcohol treatment facility dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of the disease of addiction. Our mission is to assist people in our community who suffer from active addiction in bettering their lives. Our 12 step social model based program will help them to re-enter society, the workforce and in turn give back to the very community that has helped save their lives and rebuild their families.
Our Philosophy
Tender Loving Mercy is dedicated to empowering individuals, families, and communities by providing work, recovery and support services to people who are motivated to change their lives and achieve self-sufficiency. Tender Loving Mercy’s programs are available to all persons in need regardless of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
Tender Loving Mercy strives not to manage addiction, but rather to end it for its clients. Tender Loving Mercy’s programs do not aim at making addiction easier, or less costly, or more tolerable. Tender Loving Mercy breaks the cycle of addiction and provides an alternate direction for its clients – out of hopelessness and despair, and into a life of responsibility and dignity.
Tender Loving Mercy focuses on assisting participants to attain their own optimal level of independence. For most of our program participants, successful completion of our program will mean complete and permanent independence through education, employment, sobriety, and stability. For those clients with special needs, our programs maximize their own potential and support with as much independence as possible. All of our clients, regardless of their history, are encouraged, supported, and assisted in reaching their maximum potential with dignity and respect.
