Van Nuys Alcohol & Drug Treatment
Drug & Alcohol Abuse Treatment Center Van Nuys, Los Angeles, LA, CA

Van Nuys Youth Center is the safest and the most supportive drug and alcohol rehab center in Los Angeles. In our relaxed and compassionate environment teens and adults can feel safe and recover from the adverse effects of alcohol and illicit drugs.

Van Nuys Alcohol & Drug Treatment
15015 Oxnard St
Van Nuys CA 91411-2613
Tel: 818 787-4151

Serving our community preventing and resolving addictions

Vision Statement

Van Nuys Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center's vision is to create a relaxed, compassionate environment where teens and adults from diverse backgrounds and all social-economic standings can feel safe, supported and strong in dealing with challenging life issues.

Mission Statement

The mission of Van Nuys Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center is to assist teens and adults at risk for and recovering from the devastating effects of alcohol and illicit drugs to improve their lives, their relationships with family and friends, and community well being.

Van Nuys Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center strives to prevent substance abuse and intervenes through self-awareness education, cognitive behavior therapy, problem solving concepts, harm reduction, sober support programs, and community education. Using the *social model approach, our counselors guide clients through a program tailored to each individual's goals.

Van Nuys Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center builds up the community by providing a safe haven for adolescents to engage in healthy, wholesome activities that develop their social, emotional, intellectual, and physical strengths.
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