Walking Miracles Recovery Centers
Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Coping with the demands of life can be very taxing, and sometimes people can break down under all the pressure. Drug abuse, though dangerous, is usually an option for those who cannot keep up with everyday life, so it is a good thing that high resourced addiction treatment is available to address addiction -- no matter how severe.
Walking Miracles Recovery Centers
30245 Pacific Coast Hwy
Malibu CA 90265-3603
Tel: 310 457-8396; 866 780-8539
Personalized Treatment...
is effective addiction treatment because it requires embracing the intricacies of each client and understanding their treatment needs. We design each program for each person, moving people forward with the treatment and attention they need for drug and alcohol rehabilitation to be effective. Addiction is one of the most complex diseases known, as it encompasses psychological, physical, social, medical, and spiritual components of each client. To be successful, we must address each individual’s personal profile of life long behavior, their drugs of choice, and their individual experience. As we all know we are all different. That’s why the one size fits all model does not work. We do understand.
Our Unique Vision...
is that we believe this should be the clients last admission to addiction treatment. Period. We create a long term plan of integrative treatment, lasting for at least the first year, which we hold the client and ourselves accountable to. We have successfully treated many clients who had been in as many as 15 treatment programs before ours- who now have years of clean and sober time. We create relationships with our clients that are not based on their good behavior, but on our long term shared commitment to sobriety. When relapse occurs, we take it as information that the system needs more resources, and then we adapt the treatment plan to that new need. With this steadfast commitment and strong long term approach, our clients get the full support they need to create real and long lasting sobriety.
Your Dedicated Team...
at Walking Miracles has attracted the highest quality staff of elite treatment professionals at the top of their field. Our Addiction Professionals are well regarded by their peers, always contributing to the ongoing understanding, improvement and evolution of state of the art research, and are passionate about our client’s treatment success. When we began this project we stated to the larger community of treatment professionals our intention to improve the field of addiction treatment and drug and alcohol rehabilitation. The community has responded by continually delivering to us staff of the highest ethics, quality and training.
Our Systemic & Family Approach...
at Walking Miracles has developed a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment that understands the need to treat the larger systems surrounding the client- including the family and the social networks of the individual. Our unique systemic approach has synthesized the latest scientific advances in “network science†to create a comprehensive treatment program both state of the art in it’s execution, exciting in it’s delivery and also accountable and measurable in implementation and real success.
