Whiteside Manor
Riverside County Affordable Drug Rehab Center
At Whiteside Manor Drug Rehab treatment programs include Men's Residential Treatment, Women's Residential Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Medically Supervised Detox, Specialty Tracts, Pets at Whiteside and a Family Program.
Whiteside Manor
2743 Orange St
Riverside CA 92501
Tel: 800 300-RECOVER
Economical Rehab Programs in Southern California
In separate residential treatment facilities for men and women, Whiteside Manor offers support and structure for those seeking addiction treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. Typically, our program is 90 days, however, lengths of stay are flexible and individualized and our expert clinical and counseling staff is dedicated to providing services that consistently demonstrate long term, tangible results.
Economical Residential Treatment
Clients receive intensive treatment for addiction and alcoholism, including goal-oriented treatment planning, one-to-one counseling, group therapy, educational lectures, relapse prevention groups and specific components designed for individual clients on a case-by-case basis. Clients also attend 12-Step meetings in the community. Our clinical staff consists of professional, certified counselors who are dedicated to helping clients start a solid foundation and develop a recovery plan based on the life skills needed to achieve and sustain long-term sobriety. Staff works with clients as a team, teaching them the tools integral to becoming self-sufficient, contributing members of society.
Residential Addiction Treatment & Dual Diagnosis Programs - Riverside County California
Firmly based on the 12-Steps of Recovery, treatment is provided through a therapeutic community and includes:
* Comprehensive assessments / evaluations Individualized treatment planning
* Individual counseling
* Alcohol and other drug educational groups
* Group counseling
* Process groups, gender specific groups, topic groups for skills development and life skills training
* Nutrition, health related groups and physical fitness / exercise Emphasis on peer support, self-help skills and parenting skills
* Introduction to 12 Step recovery principals and exposure to recovery community
* Completion of appropriate 12-Steps
* Evaluation and medications supervision
* Family counseling / groups
* Consultations with adjunct staff, to include psychiatrist, clinical psychiatrist, MFCC’s, LCSW’s and other professionals (when clinical necessity dictates).
* Weekly recreational activities Relapse prevention skills and training
* Discharge and aftercare planning
At Whiteside Manor our drug and alcohol treatment programs include:
Men's Residential Treatment
Women's Residential Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Residential Programs
Medically Supervised Detox
Specialty Tracks
Pets at Whiteside
Native Americans at Whiteside
Family Program
Whiteside Manor Mission Statement
Our addiction treatment mission is to rebuild lives, restore families and improve communities. This is accomplished by providing quality, individualized and comprehensive addiction treatment for those experiencing problems with alcohol, drugs and associated mental illnesses. We are committed to excellence in the delivery of care and services to our recovering clients and their families.
